


浏览:47次 发布时间:2023-09-27 15:19:39






瑞莱智慧 RealAI 合伙人 / 高级副总裁

Partner and Senior Vice President of Beijing RealAI Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

北京市民盟盟员,中欧国际工商学院高级工商管理硕士,北京市科学技术协会委员 , 北京市互联网公益委员会委员 , 曾任计世传媒国际业务负责人、360 公益基金会秘书长、奇安信集团助理总裁等,长期深耕高新技术领域,在企业管理、公共事务、品牌运营等方面具有 丰富的行业经验。

Member of China Democratic League,Executive Master of Business Administration of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Member of the Committee of Beijing Association for Science and Technology and Member of the Committee of the Internet Public Welfare Alliance. She took charge of the international business of China Computer World Publishing Service Company (also CCW Media) and served as Secretary General of 360 Public Welfare Foundation and Assistant President of Qi An Xin Technology Group Inc.. Having long devoted herself into the high-tech sector, she has extensive industry experience in corporate management, public affairs and brand operation.


Josef Gregory Mahoney


Professor of Politics and International Relations at East China Normal University


Professor of Politics and International Relations at East China Normal University (ECNU); Executive Director of the International Center for Advanced Political Studies (ECNU); Founder and Director of the International Graduate Program in Politics (ECNU); Vice Dean for the Institute of Singularity Politics ; and Associate Editor for the US-based Journal of Chinese Political Science (SSCI). He serves as a Senior Research Fellow with Jiangsu’s top thinktank-the Institute for the Development of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics-based at Southeast University in Nanjing, and also as a Senior Research Fellow with the Hainan CGE Peace Development Foundation.


Shang Jiangang


Associate Professor of Economic law School of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law


A deputy professor at the School of Economic Law, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, a master's tutor. He is also the director of the Data Law Research Center at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law. He has 16 years of experience as a lawyer and 7 years as a senior judge. He has previously served as a senior partner at a law firm, the director of the Information Network and High-Tech Committee of the Shanghai Bar Association, and was the first senior judge in China to be selected from lawyers and expert s


Li Min


Lecturer of Law School of Central University of Finance and Economics

北京大学法学博士 ,加州大学伯克利法学院 LLM 与 JSD Candidate 研究领域:金融法、科技法;在《法学评论》、《现代法学》、《华东政法大学学报》等法学专业权威期刊发表相关论文多篇。

Doctor of Law, Peking University, LLM and JSD Candidate, Berkeley School of Law of University of California. Research interests: financial law, Science and Technology law. She has published a number of papers in authoritative legal journals such asLaw Review,Modern Law ScienceandJournal of East China University of Political Science and Law.

cholars. He has been awarded Shanghai'sOutstanding Young Lawyer (2010) and Shanghai Court System Individual First-Class Merit (2017). His main research direction is data intellectual property.


Zhang Jiyu


Associate Professor of Renmin University of China


Director of the Digital Law Research Center at the Law School of Renmin University of China, PhD Supervisor, Executive Dean of Future Rule of Law Institute at Renmin University of China. Her main research areas are intellectual property law and digital law. She is the Executive Deputy Secretary-General and a council member of China Law Society Cyber and Information Law Society, a council member of Intellectual Property Law Association of China Law Society, and Deputy Head of the Policy and Regulations Working Group of Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance.


Gu Quan


President of Shanghai Jiading District People's Court, Senior Judge


The head of the Judicial Research and Trial Practice (Jiading) Base on Digital Economy of Shanghai Court, and the doctoral supervisor of the Intelligent Law discipline of East China University of Political Science and Law. He has been awarded the 7th Outstanding Young Jurist of Shanghai and Shanghai Trial expert. He has been engaged in trial practice for more than 20 years, and has more theoretical research and judicial practice experience in the application of digital economy law.


Hugo Luz dos Santos


Magistrate of the Public Prosecutor (Portugal)

曾在葡萄牙的多个法院工作(如波塔莱格雷、塞萨尔、维拉弗兰卡——多坎普、普拉亚——达维多利亚、奥尔塔和丰沙尔)。他获得法学博士学位,是国际调解和仲裁论坛(英国牛津 FICA)的研究员。他也是英国皇家艺术学会(英国伦敦)的会员,任教于中国澳门城市大学。桑托斯发表了大量关于人工智能与法律之间相互作用的文章。

Hugo Santos has worked in several courts in Portugal. He is also a Ph.D in Law and a Fellow at the Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration (FICA, Oxford, United Kingdom). He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts of the United Kingdom (London, United Kingdom). He is a University Teacher at City University of Macau, China. Santos has published widely on the interplay between artificial intelligence and law.


Chen Jinhua


Vice Dean of the Graduate School, Professor of KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

兼任中国法与社会研究院副院长,入选国家重大人才工程青年学者项目、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、“上海高校特聘教授(东方学者)”、上海市“曙光学者”等人才计划。主要研究领域是法律实证研究和法律社会学。曾在《中国社会科学》《法学研究》《中国法学》《社会学研究》以及 The China Review 等中英文刊物发表数十篇学术论文,主持国家社科基金、教育部人文社会科学研究项目等研究课题。

Chen Jinhua, Vice President of Institute of Chinese Law and Society; enrolled in the Young Scholars of National Talent Project and the New Century Excellent Researchers Project from the Ministry of Education of China; Shanghai Distinguished Professor (Oriental Chair); Shanghai "Shu Guang" Scholar. His research interests include Empirical Legal Research and legal sociology. He has published dozens of articles in Social Sciences in China, Chinese Journal of Law, China Legal Science, Sociological Studies, The China Review and others journals. He has presided research projects of the National Social Science Fund and projects of the Humanities and Social Science of the Ministry of Education.











